Melbourne Adolescents with Scoliosis: Manage Your Condition with NDIS Home Physiotherapy


Dealing with scoliosis as a teen can feel like being in a never-ending game of Twister, but fear not! For Melbourne adolescents grappling with scoliosis, Melbourne NDIS physiotherapy scoliosis teens might just be your winning card. With home-based physiotherapy tailored to your needs, managing scoliosis has never been more accessible or effective. Discover how expert guidance, personalised exercises, and the comfort of your own home can make a world of difference. Keep reading to learn how NDIS-supported physiotherapy can straighten out the twists and turns of scoliosis, giving you the freedom to focus on being your awesome self!

Understanding Scoliosis in Teens

Definition and Types of Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition characterised by an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. For teens, this can mean a spinal curve that forms an "S" or "C" shape, often becoming more pronounced during growth spurts. At Meta Therapy, we understand that scoliosis can vary widely, with some curves being mild and others more severe. The most common type affecting adolescents is idiopathic scoliosis, where the cause is unknown. Other types include congenital scoliosis, resulting from spinal abnormalities present at birth, and neuromuscular scoliosis, which is associated with conditions such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy.

Causes and Risk Factors

While the exact cause of idiopathic scoliosis remains unknown, several factors can increase the risk of developing this condition. Genetics play a significant role, with scoliosis often running in families. Additionally, rapid growth spurts during puberty can exacerbate the curvature. Girls are more likely than boys to develop more severe curves that require treatment. At Meta Therapy, we also recognise the importance of monitoring for scoliosis in teens with neuromuscular disorders, as these conditions can significantly influence spinal development and stability.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Detecting scoliosis early is crucial for effective management. Common symptoms include uneven shoulders, a prominent shoulder blade, uneven waist, or leaning to one side. In more severe cases, scoliosis can cause back pain, respiratory issues, and reduced physical function. Diagnosis typically involves a physical examination and imaging tests like X-rays to determine the extent and location of the curvature. At Meta Therapy, our experienced physiotherapists use these diagnostic tools to develop tailored treatment plans for each teen, ensuring that interventions are both timely and effective.

Impact on Daily Life and Activities

Scoliosis can significantly impact a teenager's daily life, affecting their physical abilities and emotional well-being. Teens may struggle with activities that require bending, twisting, or prolonged standing. This can lead to reduced participation in sports and other physical activities, which are essential for overall health and social development. Moreover, the visible signs of scoliosis, such as uneven shoulders or hips, can affect a teen's self-esteem and body image. At Meta Therapy, we focus on comprehensive care that addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of scoliosis. By providing supportive and encouraging therapy sessions, we help teens build confidence and maintain an active lifestyle.

Importance of Early Intervention

Early intervention is key to managing scoliosis effectively. The sooner scoliosis is identified, the more options are available to prevent further progression of the curve. Physiotherapy plays a crucial role in this early stage by providing exercises and techniques to strengthen the spine and improve posture. At Meta Therapy, our approach includes individualised exercise programs that target specific muscle groups, enhance flexibility, and promote better spinal alignment. These programs are designed to be engaging and age-appropriate, ensuring that teens remain motivated and committed to their therapy.

Long-Term Outlook

With proper management, many teens with scoliosis can lead active, healthy lives. Regular physiotherapy sessions, combined with ongoing monitoring, can help maintain spinal health and prevent complications. In some cases, additional treatments such as bracing or surgery may be necessary, but physiotherapy remains a cornerstone of non-invasive management. At Meta Therapy, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support throughout the treatment journey, helping teens achieve the best possible outcomes and maintain their quality of life.

Understanding scoliosis in teens is the first step towards effective management. With the right knowledge and support from experienced professionals like those at Meta Therapy, adolescents can navigate their scoliosis journey with confidence and resilience.

Melbourne NDIS physiotherapy scoliosis teens

What is NDIS?

Overview of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a comprehensive support system established by the Australian government to assist individuals with disabilities. At Meta Therapy, we see firsthand how the NDIS transforms lives by providing the necessary resources and services to help people with disabilities lead fulfilling and independent lives. The NDIS offers funding for a wide range of supports, including healthcare, education, employment, and community participation. This scheme is designed to give participants more control and choice over their care, ensuring that support is tailored to their unique needs and goals.

Eligibility Criteria for NDIS Support

Understanding whether you or your loved one qualifies for NDIS support is crucial. To be eligible, individuals must be under 65 years of age and have a permanent and significant disability that impacts their ability to perform everyday activities. Additionally, they must be Australian citizens, permanent residents, or hold a Protected Special Category Visa. At Meta Therapy, we guide families through the eligibility assessment process, helping them gather the necessary documentation and evidence to support their application. This includes medical reports, functional assessments, and other relevant information that demonstrates the impact of the disability on daily life.

Types of Support Provided by NDIS

The NDIS funds a broad spectrum of supports and services tailored to each participant's needs. This can include therapies, assistive technologies, home modifications, personal care, and support for community participation. Specifically, for teens with scoliosis, NDIS physiotherapy is a critical component of their support plan. At Meta Therapy, we offer NDIS-funded physiotherapy services that focus on managing scoliosis through targeted exercises, posture correction, and pain management. Our goal is to enhance mobility, improve quality of life, and prevent further complications.

How NDIS Funding Works

NDIS funding is provided through individualised plans that are tailored to each participant's specific needs and goals. These plans are developed during a planning meeting with an NDIS planner or Local Area Coordinator (LAC). The funding is then allocated to support the identified goals, which can range from improving daily living skills to participating in community activities. Participants have the flexibility to choose their service providers, ensuring they receive the best possible care. At Meta Therapy, we work closely with families to develop effective treatment plans that align with their NDIS goals and funding allocations.

The Role of Service Providers in NDIS

Service providers play a crucial role in delivering the supports funded by the NDIS. They are responsible for providing high-quality, reliable services that meet the needs of participants. At Meta Therapy, we are proud to be an NDIS-registered provider, which means we meet the strict standards set by the NDIS for quality and safety. Our team of experienced physiotherapists is dedicated to delivering personalised care that helps teens with scoliosis achieve their full potential. We ensure that our services are accessible, effective, and aligned with each participant's NDIS plan.

Benefits of NDIS for Teens with Scoliosis

For teens with scoliosis, the NDIS offers significant benefits. Access to NDIS-funded physiotherapy can help manage the condition more effectively, reducing pain and improving mobility. Regular physiotherapy sessions, guided by expert physiotherapists at Meta Therapy, can prevent the progression of scoliosis and enhance overall well-being. Additionally, the NDIS provides funding for other supports, such as assistive devices and home modifications, which can further improve quality of life. By leveraging NDIS funding, families can ensure their teens receive comprehensive and continuous care, tailored to their specific needs.

The NDIS is a vital resource for families managing scoliosis in teens, providing the funding and support needed to access high-quality physiotherapy and other essential services. At Meta Therapy, we are committed to helping families navigate the NDIS, ensuring they receive the full benefits available to them. With the right support, teens with scoliosis can lead active, healthy lives and achieve their personal goals. If you’re navigating scoliosis and need support, reach out to Meta Therapy to learn more about how we can help you make the most of the NDIS.

The Role of Physiotherapy in Managing Scoliosis

Benefits of Physiotherapy for Scoliosis

Physiotherapy is a cornerstone in the management of scoliosis, especially for teens navigating the complexities of this spinal condition. At Meta Therapy, we see firsthand how structured and consistent physiotherapy can bring transformative benefits to young people with scoliosis. Physiotherapy focuses on improving posture, enhancing muscle strength, and increasing flexibility, all of which contribute to better spinal alignment. For teens, these improvements can translate to reduced pain, greater ease in daily activities, and a significant boost in self-confidence. Moreover, physiotherapy helps in preventing the progression of spinal curvature, which is crucial during the rapid growth phases common in adolescence.

Specific Physiotherapy Techniques Used

A variety of physiotherapy techniques are employed to manage scoliosis effectively. At Meta Therapy, our approach is tailored to the individual needs of each teen. Key techniques include:

Stretching Exercises: To improve flexibility and reduce muscle tightness, particularly in areas affected by the curvature.

Strengthening Exercises: Targeting the core and back muscles to support and stabilise the spine.

Postural Training: Educating teens on maintaining correct posture during different activities to prevent further curvature.

Breathing Exercises: To enhance lung function and rib mobility, which can be compromised by scoliosis.

Each of these techniques is designed to be engaging and adaptable, ensuring that teens stay motivated and consistent with their therapy routines. Scoliosis exercise programs are customised to be both effective and enjoyable, incorporating elements that resonate with a young audience.

Goals of Physiotherapy in Scoliosis Management

The primary goal of physiotherapy in managing scoliosis is to prevent the progression of spinal curvature. At Meta Therapy, we work towards this by developing comprehensive treatment plans that address the unique needs of each teen. Other important goals include reducing pain, improving functional capacity, and enhancing overall quality of life. By focusing on these objectives, physiotherapy can help teens maintain a high level of physical activity and participate fully in school, sports, and social activities. Additionally, our approach aims to equip teens with the knowledge and skills they need to manage their condition independently as they grow older.

Long-Term Benefits of Regular Physiotherapy

Regular physiotherapy sessions offer long-term benefits that extend well beyond the immediate management of scoliosis. Consistent therapy helps in maintaining spinal health and preventing future complications. For teens, this means they can enjoy greater mobility and less discomfort as they transition into adulthood. At Meta Therapy, we emphasise the importance of continuity in care, providing ongoing support and adjustments to therapy plans as needed. Long-term physiotherapy also fosters a proactive approach to health, encouraging teens to stay engaged in their treatment and make positive lifestyle choices that support their overall well-being.

Integrating Physiotherapy with Other Treatments

While physiotherapy is highly effective on its own, it often works best when integrated with other treatments. For some teens, bracing or surgery may be necessary, and physiotherapy plays a supportive role in these cases. At Meta Therapy, we collaborate closely with other healthcare providers to ensure a holistic approach to scoliosis management. This might involve coordinating with orthotists for bracing or surgeons for post-operative care. Our physiotherapists are skilled in adapting therapy techniques to complement other treatments, ensuring a seamless and comprehensive care plan.

Personalised Care Plans

Every teen with scoliosis has unique needs, which is why personalised care plans are essential. At Meta Therapy, we start with a thorough assessment to understand the specific characteristics of each teen's scoliosis. This includes evaluating the type and severity of the curvature, muscle imbalances, and any functional limitations. Based on this assessment, we develop a customised physiotherapy plan that targets these areas effectively. Regular reviews and adjustments ensure that the plan evolves with the teen’s progress, addressing new challenges and goals as they arise.

Melbourne NDIS physiotherapy scoliosis teens

Home-Based Physiotherapy: Why It Works

Convenience and Comfort

One of the most significant advantages of home-based physiotherapy is the convenience it offers. At Meta Therapy, we understand that managing scoliosis can be challenging, especially for teens with busy schedules balancing school, extracurricular activities, and social life. By providing NDIS physiotherapy services directly in the home, we eliminate the need for families to travel to a clinic, saving time and reducing stress. The familiar environment of home also helps teens feel more relaxed and comfortable during their sessions, which can enhance the effectiveness of the therapy.

Personalised Attention

Home-based physiotherapy allows for highly personalised care. In a home setting, our physiotherapists can tailor exercises and treatments to the specific needs of the teen, taking into account their daily routines and the physical environment they navigate every day. This level of personalisation ensures that the therapy is directly relevant to the individual's lifestyle, making it easier to integrate into their daily habits. At Meta Therapy, we take pride in offering bespoke care plans that address the unique challenges and goals of each teen, enhancing the overall impact of the therapy.

Enhanced Family Involvement

Family involvement is a crucial component of effective scoliosis management. When physiotherapy is conducted at home, family members can observe and participate in the sessions, gaining a better understanding of the exercises and techniques being used. This involvement not only provides emotional support to the teen but also ensures that family members can assist with exercises between sessions, reinforcing the therapeutic benefits. At Meta Therapy, we encourage family engagement, believing that a supportive home environment can significantly enhance the success of physiotherapy.

Real-World Application

Home-based physiotherapy enables our therapists to address real-world challenges that teens with scoliosis face daily. By observing the home environment, our physiotherapists at Meta Therapy can provide practical advice on ergonomic setups, optimal postures for different activities, and strategies to manage scoliosis in everyday situations. This real-world application of therapy ensures that the skills and exercises taught during sessions are directly transferable to the teen's daily life, promoting better long-term management of the condition.

Continuity and Consistency

Consistency is key to successful scoliosis management, and home-based physiotherapy helps maintain a regular therapy schedule. Without the need for travel, teens are more likely to stick to their appointments, ensuring continuous progress. At Meta Therapy, we offer flexible scheduling to accommodate the unique needs of each family, making it easier to integrate physiotherapy into their routine. Regular and consistent therapy sessions lead to better outcomes, as they allow for ongoing assessment and adjustment of the treatment plan based on the teen's progress.

Reducing Anxiety and Increasing Compliance

For many teens, the idea of visiting a clinic can be intimidating, which may lead to anxiety and lower compliance with the therapy regimen. Home-based physiotherapy addresses this issue by providing a familiar and safe setting for treatment. Teens are more likely to engage fully in their therapy sessions when they feel comfortable, leading to higher compliance and better results. At Meta Therapy, our goal is to create a positive and supportive therapy experience that encourages active participation and long-term commitment to scoliosis management.


Home-based physiotherapy can also be more cost-effective for families. By reducing travel expenses and minimising time away from work or school, this approach can be financially advantageous. Additionally, the tailored nature of home-based care means that therapy can be more efficient, potentially reducing the overall number of sessions needed. At Meta Therapy, we strive to provide high-quality, cost-effective physiotherapy services that deliver maximum benefits to our clients.

Integration with Other Home-Based Services

For teens receiving other home-based services through the NDIS, integrating physiotherapy into this existing framework can enhance overall care coordination. At Meta Therapy, we work collaboratively with other service providers to ensure a holistic approach to scoliosis management. This integrated care model ensures that all aspects of the teen's health and well-being are addressed, providing a comprehensive support system that fosters better outcomes.

Home-based physiotherapy offers numerous benefits for managing scoliosis in teens, from convenience and personalised care to enhanced family involvement and real-world application. At Meta Therapy, we are dedicated to providing NDIS-funded physiotherapy services that meet the unique needs of each adolescent, ensuring effective and engaging treatment in the comfort of their own home. If your teen is managing scoliosis, consider the advantages of home-based physiotherapy with Meta Therapy and discover how we can support your family's journey to better spinal health.

Finding the Right Physiotherapist in Melbourne

Importance of Choosing the Right Physiotherapist

Finding the right NDIS physiotherapist in Melbourne is crucial for effectively managing scoliosis in teens. At Meta Therapy, we understand that the right therapist can make a significant difference in a teen’s treatment journey, impacting their physical progress, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life. A skilled physiotherapist will not only possess the technical expertise needed for effective scoliosis management but will also be able to connect with teens, providing the motivation and support necessary for a successful therapy experience.

Qualifications and Experience

When searching for an NDIS physiotherapist, it's essential to consider their qualifications and experience. Physiotherapists should be fully accredited and registered with relevant professional bodies such as the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). At Meta Therapy, our team of physiotherapists is highly qualified, with extensive experience in treating scoliosis among teens. This specialised experience ensures that we are equipped to handle the unique challenges presented by scoliosis, offering targeted treatments that are informed by the latest research and clinical practices.

Specialisation in Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a complex condition that requires specialised knowledge and skills for effective management. Therefore, it's important to find a physiotherapist who has specific expertise in scoliosis treatment. At Meta Therapy, our physiotherapists specialise in managing scoliosis, utilising a range of techniques tailored to address the curvature of the spine and its associated symptoms. Our focus on scoliosis means that we stay updated with the latest advancements in treatment protocols, ensuring our patients receive the most effective care possible.

Personalised Treatment Plans

Every teen’s experience with scoliosis is unique, necessitating personalised treatment plans that address their specific needs and goals. At Meta Therapy, we pride ourselves on developing customised physiotherapy programs that are tailored to each individual. During the initial assessment, we thoroughly evaluate the teen’s condition, considering factors such as the degree of spinal curvature, muscle imbalances, and functional limitations. This comprehensive assessment allows us to create a targeted therapy plan that aims to optimise outcomes and enhance the teen’s quality of life.

Communication and Rapport

Effective communication and a strong rapport between the physiotherapist and the teen are essential for a successful therapy experience. A good physiotherapist will be able to explain treatment plans and exercises in a way that is understandable and relatable to teens. At Meta Therapy, we emphasise the importance of building a trusting relationship with our patients. Our physiotherapists are not only skilled clinicians but also compassionate individuals who understand the challenges that teens with scoliosis face. This supportive approach helps to create a positive and motivating environment for therapy.

Flexibility and Accessibility

Flexibility and accessibility are key factors when choosing an NDIS physiotherapist, particularly for busy families. Home-based physiotherapy services, like those offered by Meta Therapy, provide a convenient option that eliminates the need for travel and ensures that therapy can fit seamlessly into a teen’s daily routine. We offer flexible scheduling to accommodate school and extracurricular activities, making it easier for teens to maintain a consistent therapy regimen. This consistency is vital for achieving the best possible outcomes in scoliosis management.

Reviews and Recommendations

Checking reviews and seeking recommendations can provide valuable insights into the quality of care provided by a physiotherapist. Positive testimonials from other families can be a good indicator of the therapist’s effectiveness and approachability. At Meta Therapy, we are proud of the positive feedback we receive from our clients. Our reputation for delivering high-quality, compassionate care is a testament to our commitment to helping teens manage scoliosis effectively.

Integration with NDIS

Finally, it’s important to find a physiotherapist who is well-versed in working with the NDIS. Navigating NDIS funding and services can be complex, and having a knowledgeable physiotherapist can make the process much smoother. At Meta Therapy, we have extensive experience working with the NDIS, ensuring that our patients receive the full range of benefits available to them. We assist families in understanding their NDIS plans, coordinating services, and maximising the support they receive for physiotherapy.

Choosing the right NDIS physiotherapist is a critical step in managing scoliosis effectively. At Meta Therapy, we offer specialised, personalised, and flexible physiotherapy services designed to meet the unique needs of teens with scoliosis. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing high-quality care that improves physical function, reduces pain, and enhances overall quality of life. If you’re looking for expert NDIS physiotherapy in Melbourne, Meta Therapy is here to support your family every step of the way.

Melbourne NDIS physiotherapy scoliosis teens

Creating an Effective Physiotherapy Plan for Scoliosis

Initial Assessment and Goal Setting

Creating an effective physiotherapy plan for scoliosis begins with a comprehensive initial assessment. At Meta Therapy, we believe that understanding the unique characteristics of each teen's scoliosis is crucial. During the assessment, our physiotherapists evaluate the degree of spinal curvature, muscle strength, flexibility, and any functional limitations. This thorough evaluation allows us to set specific, measurable goals tailored to the teen’s needs. Goals may include improving posture, reducing pain, enhancing mobility, and preventing further curvature progression. By setting clear objectives, we provide a roadmap for the therapy process, ensuring that both the teen and their family are aligned on the desired outcomes.

Customised Exercise Programs

An essential component of any physiotherapy plan is a customised exercise program. At Meta Therapy, we design exercise regimens that address the specific needs of teens with scoliosis. These programs typically include a combination of stretching exercises to enhance flexibility, strengthening exercises to build core and back muscles, and postural training to improve alignment. Each exercise is selected based on its ability to target the areas most affected by scoliosis. For example, if a teen has a pronounced curve on one side of their spine, exercises will be tailored to balance muscle strength and improve symmetry. Customisation ensures that exercises are both effective and engaging, encouraging teens to stay committed to their therapy routine.

Regular Monitoring and Adjustments

A successful physiotherapy plan requires regular monitoring and adjustments. At Meta Therapy, we conduct periodic reassessments to track progress and make necessary modifications to the treatment plan. This dynamic approach ensures that the therapy remains effective as the teen's condition evolves. Adjustments may include changing the intensity or type of exercises, incorporating new techniques, or addressing emerging challenges. By staying responsive to the teen's progress, we optimise the therapy’s effectiveness and ensure continuous improvement. Scoliosis management is an ongoing process, and our commitment to regular monitoring is key to achieving the best outcomes.

Incorporating Technology and Tools

Utilising technology and tools can enhance the effectiveness of physiotherapy for scoliosis. At Meta Therapy, we incorporate various aids such as therapeutic bands, balance boards, and mobile apps to support the therapy process. These tools help in maintaining proper form, adding resistance to exercises, and tracking progress. For instance, mobile apps can provide reminders for daily exercises, offer visual guides, and allow teens to log their activities, making therapy more interactive and engaging. Incorporating technology ensures that the therapy plan is not only effective but also accessible and user-friendly for tech-savvy teens.

Education and Empowerment

Educating teens and their families about scoliosis and the importance of physiotherapy is a crucial aspect of our approach at Meta Therapy. We provide comprehensive information on how scoliosis affects the body, the benefits of physiotherapy, and how to perform exercises correctly. This education empowers teens to take an active role in their treatment, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility. When teens understand the purpose behind their exercises and the impact of their efforts, they are more likely to stay motivated and consistent. Additionally, educating families ensures they can provide the necessary support and encouragement at home.

Integrating Daily Activities

An effective physiotherapy plan for scoliosis should integrate seamlessly with the teen's daily activities. At Meta Therapy, we ensure that our treatment plans consider the teen's lifestyle, including school, sports, and hobbies. We provide guidance on how to maintain good posture during various activities, recommend ergonomic adjustments for schoolwork, and suggest modifications for sports participation. This holistic approach ensures that physiotherapy is not an isolated activity but a part of the teen’s daily routine. By integrating therapy into everyday life, we help teens manage scoliosis more effectively and enjoy a higher quality of life.

Creating an effective physiotherapy plan for scoliosis involves a comprehensive assessment, customised exercise programs, regular monitoring, the use of technology, education, and integration with daily activities. At Meta Therapy, we are dedicated to providing NDIS-funded physiotherapy services that are tailored to the unique needs of each teen, ensuring they receive the most effective and engaging treatment. If your teen is managing scoliosis, consider partnering with Meta Therapy to develop a personalised physiotherapy plan that supports their journey to better spinal health.

Common Physiotherapy Exercises for Scoliosis

Introduction to Scoliosis Exercises

Managing scoliosis through physiotherapy involves a variety of exercises designed to improve strength, flexibility, and posture. At Meta Therapy, our NDIS-funded physiotherapy programs for teens with scoliosis are tailored to each individual's needs, ensuring that exercises are both effective and engaging. By focusing on specific muscle groups and movement patterns, these exercises can help reduce discomfort, enhance spinal alignment, and improve overall function. Here, we outline some common physiotherapy exercises that we recommend for scoliosis management.

Stretching Exercises

Stretching exercises are fundamental in scoliosis management as they help to improve flexibility and reduce muscle tightness. One effective stretch is the child’s pose, which targets the lower back and helps elongate the spine. To perform this exercise, the teen should kneel on the floor, sit back on their heels, and stretch their arms forward, resting their forehead on the ground. This position should be held for 20-30 seconds, repeated several times.

Another beneficial stretch is the cat-cow stretch, which increases spinal flexibility. Starting on hands and knees, the teen alternates between arching their back (cat) and dipping it (cow), coordinating the movements with their breath. This exercise helps to mobilise the spine and relieve tension in the back muscles.

Strengthening Exercises

Strengthening exercises are crucial for building muscle support around the spine, which can help in maintaining better posture and reducing curvature progression. Core strengthening is particularly important, as a strong core provides stability to the spine. Planks are an excellent core exercise, where the teen holds a push-up position, keeping their body straight and their core engaged for 20-30 seconds. Over time, the duration can be increased as their strength improves.

Another effective exercise is the bridge, which strengthens the glutes and lower back. The teen lies on their back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. They then lift their hips towards the ceiling, hold for a few seconds, and slowly lower back down. This exercise should be performed in sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Postural Training

Improving posture is a key goal in scoliosis physiotherapy. Postural training exercises help teens become more aware of their body alignment and encourage better habits. One such exercise is wall angels, where the teen stands with their back against a wall, arms bent at 90 degrees, and slowly slides their arms up and down the wall. This movement helps to open up the chest and strengthen the upper back muscles, promoting better posture.

Balance and Coordination Exercises

Balance and coordination exercises are also vital in scoliosis management. These exercises improve proprioception and overall body control. Standing on one leg is a simple yet effective exercise that challenges balance. The teen should stand on one leg for as long as possible, then switch to the other leg. This can be made more challenging by closing the eyes or standing on an unstable surface, like a pillow.

Balance boards can also be used to enhance coordination and stability. Standing on a balance board requires constant adjustments, engaging the core and leg muscles. This dynamic activity helps in building strength and improving balance, which is beneficial for teens with scoliosis.

Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises are often overlooked but play an important role in scoliosis management. Diaphragmatic breathing helps to increase lung capacity and improve the mobility of the thoracic spine. The teen should lie on their back, place one hand on their chest and the other on their abdomen, and practice deep breathing, focusing on expanding the abdomen rather than the chest. This exercise can be performed daily to enhance respiratory function and reduce tension in the upper body.

Combining Exercises for Maximum Benefit

At Meta Therapy, we believe in a holistic approach to physiotherapy. Combining different types of exercises—stretching, strengthening, postural training, balance, and breathing—ensures a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses all aspects of scoliosis management. Each session is tailored to the teen’s progress, ensuring that they receive the most beneficial mix of exercises. Regular updates and adjustments to the exercise plan keep the therapy effective and engaging.

Incorporating a variety of physiotherapy exercises is essential for managing scoliosis in teens. At Meta Therapy, our NDIS-funded programs are designed to provide targeted, effective treatment that helps teens improve their posture, strength, and overall quality of life. By including stretching, strengthening, postural training, balance exercises, and breathing techniques, we ensure a well-rounded approach to scoliosis management. If you’re seeking comprehensive and personalised physiotherapy for scoliosis, Meta Therapy is here to support you every step of the way.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Scoliosis is a condition characterised by an abnormal lateral curvature of the spine. In teens, particularly during growth spurts, scoliosis can cause various issues such as uneven shoulders, waist asymmetry, and in severe cases, pain and discomfort. At Meta Therapy, we provide specialised NDIS physiotherapy to help manage and mitigate these symptoms, promoting better posture and spinal alignment.

  • The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) offers funding and support for individuals with disabilities, including scoliosis. Through NDIS, teens can access tailored physiotherapy services designed to improve their physical condition and overall well-being. Meta Therapy is a registered NDIS provider, offering home-based physiotherapy that ensures convenience and personalised care for each teen.

  • Home physiotherapy provides several benefits for managing scoliosis in teens. It offers a comfortable and familiar environment, reducing stress and increasing compliance with the therapy regimen. Additionally, it eliminates the need for travel, making it easier to fit sessions into busy schedules. At Meta Therapy, our physiotherapists bring expert care directly to your home, creating a customised treatment plan that fits your lifestyle and needs.

  • Finding the right NDIS physiotherapist involves considering their qualifications, experience, and specialisation in scoliosis treatment. It’s important to choose a therapist who is not only skilled but also compassionate and able to connect with teens. Meta Therapy’s team of physiotherapists are highly qualified, with extensive experience in managing scoliosis. We provide personalised care that focuses on achieving the best possible outcomes for our patients.

  • Home-based NDIS physiotherapy offered by Meta Therapy provides teens with cerebral palsy the convenience of receiving specialised care in their familiar environment. This approach enhances comfort, reduces stress associated with travel, and promotes consistency in therapeutic routines. Our physiotherapists tailor interventions to suit the teen's home environment, facilitating seamless integration of therapy into daily life and empowering teens to achieve their maximum potential in a supportive setting.

  • TDuring a physiotherapy session for scoliosis, you can expect a combination of exercises tailored to improve spinal alignment, muscle strength, and overall mobility. Sessions typically begin with a thorough assessment, followed by targeted exercises and techniques designed to address specific areas of concern. At Meta Therapy, our physiotherapists also provide education on maintaining good posture and incorporating exercises into daily routines, ensuring comprehensive and effective treatment.

  • Getting started with NDIS physiotherapy at Meta Therapy is simple. Contact us to schedule an initial consultation where we will discuss your teen’s specific needs and goals. We will guide you through the NDIS funding process, helping you understand your plan and how to utilise it effectively for physiotherapy services. Our team is dedicated to providing personalised, high-quality care that supports your teen’s journey to better spinal health.


In conclusion, navigating scoliosis as an adolescent in Melbourne can be effectively supported through NDIS home physiotherapy. At Meta Therapy, we understand the importance of personalised care and empowering adolescents to manage their condition proactively

Our tailored physiotherapy programs aim to improve spinal alignment, strengthen core muscles, and enhance overall flexibility. By integrating therapeutic exercises and techniques into daily routines at home, adolescents can experience ongoing benefits that promote spinal health and functional mobility.

Through collaboration with families, our therapists provide comprehensive support, including educational resources and guidance on maintaining exercise consistency. This approach not only addresses the physical aspects of scoliosis but also fosters independence and confidence in adolescents as they navigate their journey toward improved posture and well-being.

Meta Therapy is committed to delivering compassionate care and achieving positive outcomes for adolescents with scoliosis under the NDIS framework in Melbourne. Together, we strive to enhance the quality of life and empower adolescents to thrive despite the challenges posed by scoliosis.

For a broader perspective on NDIS and physiotherapy, we recommend exploring these external resources:

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

Scoliosis Australia

Australian Physiotherapy Association


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